IoT Technician(Smart City)
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Name of the Trade & code
IoT Technician(Smart City) - DGT/2007
NSQF Level
Level 3
Duration of Craftsmen Training
2 year
Unit Strength (No. Of Student)
24 (There is no separate provision of supernumerary seats)
Minimum Age
14 years as on first day of academic session.
Eligibility for PwD
Entry Qualification
Std. X Passed with Maths & Science
Description of Job roles:
IoT Technician (Smart City): tests electronic components and circuits to locate defects, using instruments such as oscilloscopes, signal generators, ammeters and voltmeters. Replaces defective components and performs basic/SMD soldering/desoldering. Assembles, tests and troubleshoot various digital circuits. Constructs & tests electronic power supply circuit for proper functioning. Install, configure and interconnect different computer systems & networking for different applications. Develop various standard electronic circuits using electronic simulator softwares. Applies the principle of sensors & transducers for various IoT applications. Plans & interfaces input & output devices to evaluate performance with microcontrollers.
The individual in this job identifies different Internet of Things applications in smart city & their distinctive advantages like smart environment, smart street light and smart water & waste management. Identifies and tests various parts of embedded system like Arduino-Uno board/ Raspberry Pi 3 B module, integrated development platform (IDE), sensors and actuators as per requirement for Smart City. Determines air quality and noise pollution by Sensors. Measures & monitors CO2, O2, PM2.5 and PM10 levels using Electrochemical Sensors for pollution control in smart environment. Measures and records Information such as air temperature, wind speed, dew point temperature, wind direction, relative humidity, solar radiation and atmospheric pressure at predetermined intervals by Weather Stations. Applies knowledge of Solar Panel Basics Testing, Characteristics, Charge Controller Circuit etc. to test running different applications i.e. LEDs, Dusk to Dawn sensing etc. Identifies and selects different wireless communication modules and topology such as Zigbee, Bluetooth, GSM module, WiFi, Ethernet, M2M Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) etc. Uses signals from GPS by Location Sensors for precise positioning. Identifies, tests and troubleshoots different circuits of Smart Street lighting system and its components to ensure safety and to prevent energy wastage. Makes circuit to interface Microcontroller, LDR/MQ135 pollution sensors and vary brightness of light in accordance with illumination of the light or Fog/Smog environment. Identifies & selects different circuits used in Smart Road & Traffic (Live & Connected roads) to experience quicker, safer and more effective trips. Performs weather monitoring at risky points by Low-cost weather station, Pluviometer, Structural Crack monitoring. Uses proximity sensor, IR Sensor etc. and troubleshoots different circuits used in Smart Parking (Connected Parking) for better management of car park availability and traffic in the city to improve citizen’s life. Applies IoT Application for Smart Water & Waste Management system viz. Detection of rubbish levels in containers to optimize the trash collection routes using Smart Garbage Bin, ultrasonic sensors, Wifi module & Thing speak (IoT Platform) cloud.